The first time I saw The Losers, it was a month before the theatrical release and I knew almost nothing about it. I had no idea what to expect. What I got was a lighthearted, hilarious, high-octane action movie with a great cast that could possibly be one of the most fun movies you'll see all year.
The Losers is based on a Vertigo graphic novel of the same name. The story follows a U.S. Special Forces team who are on a mission in Bolivia when they are betrayed and left for dead by their handler, Max. I'm going to stop right there, because in all honesty, the plot is not the reason to go see this movie. It's all about the cast. Everyone is top notch, but it is Chris Evans who steals the show as Jensen, who provides the comic relief to great success.
The Losers will obviously draw some comparisons to the recently released superhero action-comedy Kick-Ass, which I absolutely loved. Although The Losers is not as visceral due to the fact that it's PG-13 compared to the hard R of Kick-Ass, it's still an insanely fun movie that is definitely worth checking out.